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Natal Chart Reading & Tarot

1 h
88 US dollars
Live Online Session (Google Meet)

Service Description

TERRESTRIAL WONDER | Earth In the Tarot, The World card embodies Earth. The elemental wheel expresses itself here in this World through the passage of time each season proceeding into the next. Spring | Summer | Fall | Winter Earth's glyph is a map of the elements and a symbol of their unity as grounded on this terrestrial wonderland. The Cross of Matter is rooted within the Circle of Spirit. It shows that there is no separation of matter and spirit in this World. Observation of the seen reveals the unseen, because they hold hands in the expression of life itself. Planetary Glyph : ⨁ Fire | Earth | Air | Water The moment of our birth is imbued with celestial resonances. Each of the planets imprints on us their specific taste, look, and feel. We carry these archetypes along with us and access them upon unconscious command. We are a symphony of these sounds all sculpting us exquisitely into individual form. Pars Fortuna | Part of fortune In the reading, we will observe the Pars Fortuna, a mathematical point within the natal chart calculated by the Sun, Moon, and rising signs. Detecting the prominent energies that are at play, we will expose their radiant nature along with the shadow tendencies. Cole will offer an actionable method to break out of any stagnant holding patterns that are revealed in the natal chart through the use of plant medicine, movement, or any other remedy that comes through. "As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul." ⨁ Hermes *The reading comes with a PDF of your natal chart.


⨁ To cancel or reschedule, please contact us 24 hours in advance ⨁

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