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Natal Chart Reading & Tarot

30 min
44 US dollars
Live Online Session (Google Meet)

Service Description

MASTERY OF MIND | Mercury In the Tarot, the Magician card is cast from Mercury. He manifests his will onto physical form on this plane of existence. By projecting the matrix of his mind onto this realm, he becomes the mastermind of his experience. "I CREATE AS I THINK." ☿ "I COMMAND AS I SPEAK." The winged messenger, Mercury, traveled between worlds with his caduceus in hand. An emissary for the Gods. His glyph an ode to this serpent staff. Two snakes intertwined via a cross, a circle, and a crescent. These symbols stacking to forge matter, spirit, and reception. This is a visual representation of his highly developed mental faculties merging with the physical world of matter. Planetary Glyph : ☿ The moment of our birth is imbued with celestial resonances. Each of the planets imprints on us their specific taste, look, and feel. We carry these archetypes along with us and access them upon unconscious command. We are a symphony of these sounds all sculpting us exquisitely into individual form. In the reading, we will hone in on the prominent energies that are at play within your natal Mercury placement and expose its radiant nature along with its shadow tendencies. The placement of mercury reveals how we think, listen, communicate, and express ourselves. Cole will offer methods to break out of any stagnant holding patterns that are revealed in the natal chart through the use of plant medicine, movement, or any other remedy that comes through. Awareness is the first step on the journey toward Mastery of the Mind. With Mercury as our guide, we can begin to integrate new ways of being into the Mental plane. "The measure of intelligence is the ability to change." ☿ Albert Einstein *The reading comes with a PDF of your natal chart.


⨁ To cancel or reschedule, please contact us 24 hours in advance ⨁

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