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Natal Chart Reading & Tarot

1 h
111 US dollars
Live Online Session (Google Meet)

Service Description

ASTROLOGY OF LOVE & DESIRE | Venus+Mars In the Tarot, the Empress gives birth to Venus. Her terrain is that of the heart and all that is the temporal. The life that is born from the support of nurturing love and devotion. And being held in the arms of the divine feminine. Her womb is the garden of creation. Sentience coming to form from the sacred union of Yin & Yang. The Empress is with child, impregnated with soul internally and surrounded with soul externally in the marriage of seed to soil in the ephemeral garden that surrounds her. The feminine glyph depicts the circle of spirit descending into matter, the cross. Thus, unearthing the landscape in which the Yin essence flourishes. Contrastingly, the masculine glyph, a herald of valor, launches ascending energies up and out, driving the circle of spirit above and beyond. Enamored by one another, these two energetics long to merge and we experience the passionate currents of desire. That being said, both of these spirits are active within us in the unfoldment of the creative process. And activate in the enchanting art of seduction, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Planetary Glyphs : ♀ Venus | ♂ Mars The moment of our birth is imbued with celestial resonances. Each of the planets imprints on us their specific taste, look, and feel. We carry these archetypes along with us and access them upon unconscious command. We are a symphony of these sounds all sculpting us exquisitely into individual form. In the reading, we will hone in on the amorous codes that are alive within the placement of Venus, Mars and Black Moon Lilith. We will uncover the prominent energies that are at play within these archetypes and expose their radiant nature along with their shadow tendencies. Methods will be offered to enliven your sensual nature that is revealed in the natal chart through the use of plant medicine, movement, or any other remedy that comes through. "When we see the Beloved in each person, it's like walking through a garden, watching flowers bloom all around us." ♀ Ram Dass *The reading comes with a PDF of your natal chart.


⨁ To cancel or reschedule, please contact us 24 hours in advance ⨁

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